I was a kindergarten teacher for seven years, an administrator for two, and now I’m venturing into this new world of curriculum developer and small business owner. Education is my passion and I enjoy making fun, creative teaching materials and lesson plans. It is my hope that they will help make your life easier and will instill a love for learning in your students! I believe learning should be as hands-on as possible! I’m a kinesthetic learner and have found that a lot of young children are too. They learn best from doing, not simply watching and listening. Hands-on activities make learning more meaningful and engaging.

I have a B.S. in Elementary Education from Florida State University and my M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from Liberty University. I live in Florida with my husband, three year old son, baby daughter, and {crazy} dog. I love my little family and going on adventures in the great outdoors with them! In my free time, I like to run, take long walks at the beach, bake, and read. Thanks for stopping by!

~ tara


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