1. Introduce Super E by showing your students this poster. 👇 (I created several versions of it. 😊) Explain how Super E can jump over a letter and help the vowel says its name.
2. Next, write the word cap on chart paper. Glue a Super E card to the end of the word to make cape. (You can also call on students to come up and glue on the Super E cards. 😄)
3. Draw an arrow to show how Super E can jump over the “p.” Draw a straight line over the “a” to show how Super E helps the vowel says its name. Model how to sound out the word cape.
4. Continue this process with more words. (For example: can > cane, rip > ripe, not > note, tub > tube.)
I hope your students fall in love with Super E too! You can grab this interactive anchor chart here. I also created a fun Super E center game to give your students extra practice reading CVCe words! Click the image below to check it out!