Welcome to Digraph Factory!! Use the “Digraph Maker” to make digraphs together as a class! It’s such a fun way to practice reading words with the consonant digraphs: ch-, sh-, th-, ph-, and wh-. Are you ready to get started? Here’s how to use this anchor chart to...
Do you have students who get frustrated during writing time? Who constantly ask you how to spell words? Or never know what to write about? Teaching writing in the primary grades is so tricky, isn’t it? (Heck, it’s tricky in any grade!) That’s...
Have you met Super E?? My students LOVE this reading superhero! (I mean, who doesn’t love a superhero theme?! 😉) It’s so fun to teach CVCe words using Super E! Here’s how! 1. Introduce Super E by showing your students this poster. 👇...
Ok, this is hands down my favorite way to teach blends. We make “smoothie” blends and my kiddos have SO. MUCH. FUN. 👏 Here’s how I teach this lesson: Start by telling your students you’re going to make a {smoothie} blend today. You’re going to take two...
Let’s talk CVC words! I like to use a construction theme to teach CVC words. We have so much fun “building” words! I start by showing my students a CVC word picture card and then we “build” the word together. (Aren’t these construction cards adorable? 🚧😍) ...
I’m excited to share how I use a “mystery bag” to teach the alphabet. It’s so fun!! And it’s a really interactive, tactile way for students to learn the letters/sounds. So, what is this mystery bag?? It’s a bag full of items that begin with the “letter of...