Keep Those Skills Fresh!
Summer break is just around the corner! Yippee! But with it can come the dreaded “summer slide” (where students lose a significant amount of academic gain made over the school year). We all want to prevent this regression, buuuut it can be challenging to make...
Cute Mother’s Day Booklet
Every year, I do this “All About My Mom” interview with my students and their answers are SO CUTE! And hilarious! My husband filled this one out with my son…apparently, I’m 4 years old and only 2 feet tall. 😂 And he loves me because “I like to play with her.”...
3 Writing Strategies That REALLY Work!
I’ll be honest – I used to really struggle with teaching writing. Like reeeally struggled with it. Somehow my writer’s workshop block was more chaotic and noisier than center time! How is that even possible?! Well, I’m happy to say things got better...
Five Fun Spring Activities
Are you so excited spring is almost here?? I know I am! I love when the weather warms up and all the flowers begin to bloom! I also love all the fun spring themed activities! Here are some of my favorites!

Valentine’s Day Activities
Have you read Froggy’s First Kiss before? It’s such a cute, silly Valentine’s Day read aloud! Without fail, it gets my kiddos giggling every time I read it! I have a fun assortment of Valentine’s Day activities that I pair with this story! Read on to find out all about them!

Winter Write the Room Fun!
I hope you had a wonderfully relaxing winter break! As you’re getting into gear for this month and prepping your January lesson plans, I wanted to share a fun winter writing activity – a “write the room” center!

Gingerbread Mystery Writing
Ok friends, I’m going to share my very favorite Gingerbread activity with you! (Other than eating the cookies, of course. 😉)

Thanksgiving Activities!
Looking for some inspiration for your upcoming Thanksgiving lessons? I’m going to share my favorite read alouds, writing prompts, games, and activities to celebrate this holiday!